Lietfaden color sewing machine.
This sewing machine is for everyone, but fits right in with those who wish to enter the craft of attaching clothing to itself with thread. New sewers! This is for you. But for the perfectionists, there’s a electromagnetic needle drive, filigree upper arm design. The workspace is wide open. A backlit work area, with the stitch pattern projected on to the fabric it’s about to be sewn onto.
What’s that ink for? It’s for the thread. It’s a yarn printer. You match up the color you need at the top, and this baby prints the ink as you go. And with a pneumatic JetAir-system handling your threading the productivityis surprising.
There’s also a simple slick table that matches up with the machine.
And it color matches. You know those amazing yet impossible-to-match old fabrics you see in used clothing at the second hand store? Instead of buying new fabric, tear those old rags apart and match em up. All you need is a swatch, which can be a tiny rip of the clothing you’re about to sew.
Designer: monika jakubek | anna müller