The sound absorbing panel Soundwave® Pix is designed by the French designer Jean-Marie Massaud. Soundwave® Pix provides architects with the possibility to create unique rooms by offering the option to combine colors and forms in different ways. Soundwave® Pix complements the sound absorbing function with the potential of esthetic variation in terms of the color and form options.
The design of Pix in itself is a reminder of keys on a keyboard, and radiates a sense of recognition that also surprises.
Soundwave® Pix offer architects the possibility to combine many different parts that together creates an entirety and I look forward to seeing architects and interior designers throughout the world use Pix to create innovative interiors, says Jean-Marie Massaud.
PIX is designed to be used as lightweight sound absorbers in the upper frequency range (500 Hz and above). The panels help reduce disturbing reflections of environmental sounds such as voices, telephones etc.
Colors: Pix is delivered in various colors from Gabriel Europost. Installed with nails (included). For faster assembly recommended mounting with nail gun. Order minimum 6 pieces/color/size.
designer: jean-marie massaud
producer: offecct
material: polyester with a surface of 100 % wool.
period: 2013